The Mongol Daguur is a flat plain with rolling hills situated in the Ulz River basin. It encompasses moist Daurian steppe with lakes and ponds of varying sizes, rivers, streams, and wetland areas, including reed beds. The larger lakes support tens of thousands of molting water birds in summer. Congregation waterbirds at the site that exceed 1% of their flyway populations include the Great Crested Grebe (Podiceps cristatus), Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo), Whooper Swan (Cygnus cygnus), Bean Goose (Anser fabalis), Ruddy Shelduck (Tadorna ferruginea), White-naped Crane (Grus vipio), Common Crane (Grus grus), Hooded Crane (Grus monacha), Demoiselle Crane (Anthropoides virgo), and Northern Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus). Hundreds of Demoiselle Cranes and White-naped Cranes can be seen throughout Mongol Daguur. Due to the significant number of cranes, the site has been designated as an Important Crane Site in North-East Asia. The area also supports a variety of species restricted to the Eurasian steppe and desert biome.

The trip begins in Ulaanbaatar, the nation’s capital, and traverses the vast eastern Mongolian steppe, visiting some of the most outstanding habitat areas. The journey will then continue south to the Gobi Desert, where we will explore some of the Gobi’s most interesting ecosystems and geographic formations.



  • Journey through the vast eastern grasslands and steppes of Mongolia, uncovering the intricate ecosystems and seeking out the region’s remarkable wildlife.

  • Explore the Mongol Daguur ecosystem and its many important bird habitat areas.
  • Visit the Gobi desert and ride two-humped Mongolian camels on the sand dunes.
  • Enjoy meeting with nomads and exploring the nomadic culture of Mongolia.


  • Bird enthusiasts eager to observe diverse water birds and cranes.
  • Nature lovers seeking an immersive experience in Mongolia’s unique habitats.
  • Wildlife photographers looking to capture stunning avian and landscape photography.
  • Adventurers interested in exploring the vast and varied landscapes of Mongolia.
  • Ecotourists keen on experiencing both the lush steppe and the arid beauty of the Gobi Desert.


Day 1. June 2. Arrival in Ulaanbaatar city

Ulaanbaatar is the capital of Mongolia, located on the basins of Tuul River valley. It is nestled on the foothills Bogd Khan Uul National Park on its outhern part. Originally a nomadic Buddhist center, it became a permanent city in the 18th century. A Soviet-era influenced architecture co-exists with old monasteries and 21st-century highrises. Enjoy a short city tour followed by a welcome dinner at a fine local restaurant. (Hotel Blue Sky or similar; B, L, D)

Day 2. June 3. Fly East to Choibalsan city, Dornod province

The eastern Choibalsan (Mongolian: Чойбалсан) is the fourth-largest city in Mongolia after Darkhan, Erdenet and located at 700 km from Ulaanbaatar. In the morning, we will transfer to the airport for our flight to Choibalsan (1.5 hours). Upon arrival, we will transfer to a local hotel for the day. (Local hotel; B, L, D)

Day 3. June 4. Drive to Ugtam Nature Reserve

After breakfast, we will drive straight north to the Turgen Tsagaan Lake and Ugtam Nature Reserve. The landscape here is predominantly rolling hills with a couple of shallow steppe lakes and the Ulz River valley. On the way to Ugtam, we will see grassland birds such as Demoiselle cranes which is the much common small cranes in the country along with steppe eagle, upland buzzard, mongolian lark, Asian short toed lark, blyth’s and richard’s pipits and Mongolian gazelle etc. On the way, we will visit to Turgen tsagaan lake were we often see Siberian cranes using the lake as their spring stopover and summer site.However, our chances of encountering this species at this location will depend largely on whether or not water levels provide favorable foraging conditions of the year. Water levels at this site are determined by winter snow cover and precipitation during the spring period. The Siberian Crane is known to be the most specialized crane in terms of its habitat requirements, and the most aquatic, exclusively using wetlands for nesting, feeding, and roosting, preferring wide expanses of shallow fresh water with good visibility. As the impacts of anthropogenic activity along its flyway and wintering ground increases, the suitable foraging habitat for this species continues to decrease. Two pair of White-naped Crane and 5 pairs of Common cranes also regularly nest on a northern reed in the lake. But, during the main trip we should have already had a close look at this species. (Tent camp; B, L, D)

Day 4. June 5. Full day exploring Ugtam Mountain and Tsagaan lake

In the morning, drive to the Hustai National Park, to spot the takhi wild horses in their natural habitat with a chance to photograph them. After lunch, spend the afternoon exploring the park’s various sites before returning back to Ulaanbaatar. Enjoy dinner at a local restaurant. (Hotel Bayangol or similar; B, L, D)

Days 5-6. June 6-7. Exploring Chukh Lake, Mongol Daguur SPA

The great Mongolian-Manchurian grassland is considered by many as possibly the last and largest expanse of unspoiled and pristine prairie ecosystem not only in Asia, also in the World. The Eastern Mongolian Grasslands contains an abundance of natural wonders and conjures images of an endless and open land — tall grasses and wide-open spaces without a glimmer of civilization. The nature reserve protects a chunk of steppe ecosystem that sprawls across two of eastern provinces. Altogether, it covers nearly 480 thousand hectares’ area of enormous stretches of grassland. The nature reserve is famed for its huge herds of Mongolian Gazelle. It was originally established to conserve the extensive grasslands of eastern Mongolia and its biodiversity.

This morning we will continue traveling along to the Mongol Daguur SPA along downstream of Ulz River. Ulz river basin is one of the most important areas for breeding and staging cranes in northeast Mongolia. Isolated from human settlement, this beautiful landscape offers river valleys with numerous lush meadows surrounded by forested mountains and grassland steppe. In addition to all this wonderful natural beauty, we can expect to see Mongol horsemen riding across the steppe a attending the vast herds of horses, cattle, and sheep. Visit an ethnic Buriad field museum in Dashbalbar town. (Tent camp; B, L, D)

Day 7. June 8. Drive back to Choibalsan city and overnight in local hotel

After an early morning breakfast, we’ll head east for a full exploration of this beautiful steppe reserve. In the afternoon, we will continue our journey to discover more breeding sites of rare cranes and we will see Grebes, Ducks, Pochards, Geese, Waders, Gulls. Before dinner time, we will reach Khukh lake which is the lowest point of Mongolia at 560 meter above sea level. We’ll head out for a full exploration of this beautiful steppe reserve. Overnight: Stay in tented camp near the lake. (Tent camp; B, L, D)

Day 8. June 9. Fly back to Ulaanbaatar city, explore Songino Khairkhan Mountain

In the morning, transfer to the airport for our flight back to Ulaanbaatar. Upon arrival, we will drive directly to the Songino Khairkhan Mountain and a UB pond located outside the city. At this obscure-looking pond, we always see Azure Tit, Azure-winged Magpie colony, breeding Yellowbreasted Bunting, Longtailed Rosefinch, Chinese White Crowned Penduline Tit, Great Reed Warbler, Lancellota Warbler among other species. Dinner and overnight at hotel. (Hotel Blue Sky or similar; B, L, D)

Day 9. June 10. Drive to Gobi Desert, Gobi Gurvan Saikhan Mountain NP

IIn the morning, we will begin driving south to the mighty Gobi Desert (7-8 hours). Arrive at the ger camp and overnight in gers. (Ger camp; B, L, D)

Days 10-11. June 11-12. Full day exploring Gobi Gurvan Saikhan Mountain

In the next to days, we will explore the magnificent Gobi Gurvansaikhan National Park lies on the northern edge of the Gobi desert. We will spend the following two days birding in the Mountain. Hike up into the narrow canyon surrounded by steep, giant mountain formation (2600m). Noteworthy species that we may encounter here today include nesting Saker falcon, Chukar, Chinese Beautiful and Common Rosefinches and migrating Thickbilled warbler, Barred warbler, Common whitethroat, Isabelline Wheatear, Brown Shrike, Brown and Alpine Accentors, Blackfaced and Pallas’s Reed Buntings. Our first stop starts with a journey to Yolyn-Am Valley in Zuun Saikhan Mountain Range. While exploring the valleys, slopes and ridges, we will be on the lookout for a wide range of mountain species, including the impressive Bearded Vulture (Lammergeier), a couple of pairs of which nest in the canyons here. Another major target is the localised Altai Snowcock, which often give their characteristic whistling calls in the early morning just after dawn. Other exciting birds to look for here include Chukar Partridge, Himalayan Griffon, the impressive Cinereous Vulture, Booted and magnificent Golden Eagles, Water Pipit, Black Redstart, Alpine, Brown and the breeding nearly endemic Kozlov’s Accentors, Chinese Beautiful Rosefinch, Twite, Godlewski’s Bunting, Pallas’s Reed Bunting, Common Rock Thrush, and with a bit of luck, Grey-necked bunting and rare Redmantled Rosefinch and Spotted Great Rosefinch.

Flocks of White-winged Snowfinches are regularly seen and can be very confident while feeding along the trail. At this time of year, we may see migrating raptors such as Oriental Honey Buzzard, Amur Falcon and Steppe Eagle, while mammals could include the regal Siberian Ibex, the strange and extremely impressive Argali (a type of wild sheep), three species of rodents including Pallas’s and Alpine Pikas, and Midday Gerbils that scurry in and out of the stunted alpine vegetation. On the second day we will search for the species we missed previous day and explore the rocky slope, small canyons near the camp. (Ger camp; B, L, D)

Day 12. June 13. Drive to Khongoryn Els Sand Dune and camel trekking

After breakfast, we will continue driving to Khongoryn Els, where the largest accumulation of dunes in the Gobi can be found. This dune reaches 300m high, 12km wide, and 100km long. Our drive will take us through fantastic scenery of barren landscapes and gravel plains, with the Gobi Altai Mountains as a constant backdrop. The scenery of Khongoryn Els is brilliant with Rocky Mountains on the south, sand dunes in the center and a river oasis with extensive saxaul forest on the north. Our main target birds here is the scarce and localized Saxaul Sparrow, rather common Southern grey shrike, enigmatic Longlegged buzzard and Mongolian Ground Jay! This smart looking bird favors gravel plains with scattered vegetation and spends much of its time running across the open ground in search of invertebrates. There’s a colony of Lesser Kestrels near our camp. Here we will have an opportunity to study these fascinating small raptors. (Ger camp; B, L, D)

Day 13. June 14. Exploring Zuun Saikhan mountain and sunset at Flaming Cliffs

On this day we will leave the Khongor dune area to the Flaming Cliffs. On the way, we will see Henderson’s ground jay, oriental and greater sand plovers, and Goitered gazelles. Today, we will journey northeast to the famous Bayanzag locality. These red sandstone cliffs was named “The Flaming Cliffs” by Roy Chapman Andrews of the American Museum of Natural History, who first discovered the fossil beds of dinosaur bones and the first fossil dinosaur eggs the world had ever seen before. In this dry and open region birds strive to find drinking water threfore, we will stop at a small oasis. Here we can approach many exciting species, providing a great opportunity to take photos.

Some species such as Pallas’s Sandgrouse congregate in big numbers. The scenery en route, driving across the plains of Gobi is simply spectacular! En route, in addition to numerous Horned larks, subspecies brandti, and occasional Great sand plover we should find endangered and much desired Oriental Plover (surely one of the most elegant species of its family). Enjoy a sundown and renturn back to the ger camp for dinner. (Ger camp; B, L, D)

Day 14. June 15. Fly back to Ulaanbaatar city

After breakfast, we will drive to the local airport for our return flight to Ulaanbaatar (1.5 hours). The afternoon is free for individual sightseeing and shopping. In the evening, we will enjoy a traditional Mongolian performance followed by a festive dinner to celebrate our adventures in Mongolia. Overnight at hotel. (Hotel Blue Sky or similar; B, L, D)

Day 15. June 16. Departure

After breakfast, transfer to the airport for departure. (B)


2 travelers; standard twin occupancy;
$4,880 per person
Domestic flight $480 per person
Optional single supplement $480 per person
3-5 travelers; standard twin occupancy;
$4,590 per person
Domestic flight $480 per person
Optional single supplement $480 per person
6-9 travelers; standard twin occupancy;
$4,120 per person
Domestic flight $480 per person
Optional single supplement $480 per person
10 and more travelers; standard twin occupancy;
$4,010 per person
Domestic flight $480 per person
Optional single supplement $480 per person
  • Land transportation using Toyota Land Cruiser jeeps seating 3 passengers each;
  • Accommodations in a standard room at hotels, gers in the countryside based on a twin occupancy and expedition style camping in the countryside;
  • Airport arrival and departure transfers;
  • Sleeping bags; expedition style tents and mats;
  • All meals indicated as B, L or D;
  • All entrance fees as indicated in the itinerary;
  • English speaking national guide throughout your stay;
  • Bottled water per person per day and unlimited supply of boiled waters.
  • Domestic and international airfare;
  • Personal laundry;
  • Drinks not mentioned in the itinerary;
  • Travel insurance;
  • Medical evacuation costs;
  • Excess baggage charges;
  • Visa fees;
  • Gratuities;
  • Photography and video fees;
  • Any other item not mentioned as included.


I had the trip of my dreams with the incredible people at Mongolia Quest! I absolutely recommend them to anyone considering a trip to Mongolia without hesitation. I began planning my trip in late 2019, early 2020, but my plans were delayed until this June because of COVID. From the get go, the company’s amazing founder Gerel, carefully listened to my desired destinations and put together the most amazing itinerary for me; truly, the trip of a life time! Most importantly for me, he sent me a 30 page list of recommended books on Mongolia, its history, religions, and culture, with a brief synopsis for each!! He’s a learned man who loves his country and that makes a huge difference, in my opinion. He also paired me with my incredible travel mates, Temuu and Doghi, for a breath-taking experience that I will never forget. If you’re thinking about going to Mongolia, don’t think twice, go and go with Mongolia Quest!